HR Blog

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Elevate Your Company with a Strong Employee Value Proposition

Employee Recruiting, Employee Retention

An employee value proposition (EVP) is the unique mix of benefits and experiences a company offers to draw in and keep top talent. Beyond pay, it includes career growth, work culture, and work-life balance. A strong EVP is key in today’s job market. This article covers what makes a compelling EVP, its benefits for your … Read more
Employees with icons above their heads representing benefits, part of an EVP

Employee Recruiting, Employee Retention

Elevate Your Company with a Strong Employee Value Proposition

An employee value proposition (EVP) is the unique mix of benefits and experiences a company offers to draw in and keep top talent. Beyond pay, it includes career growth, work culture, and work-life balance. A strong EVP is key in today’s job market. This article covers what makes a compelling EVP, its benefits for your … Read more
The components of a successful brand strategy for employers

Employee Recruiting, Employee Retention

Mastering Employer Brand Strategy: Essential Steps for Success

Wondering how to attract top talent and retain valued employees? An effective employer brand strategy is the key. This guide will provide you with the tools and insights to build a strong employer brand that resonates with current employees and draws in quality candidates to keep your workforce engaged. Key Takeaways Understanding Employer Brand Strategy … Read more
A healthcare HR team member using a computer

Employee Recruiting, Employee Retention, Managing Employees, Regulations

Challenges and Strategies for Healthcare Human Resources Management

Human resource professionals typically handle recruiting, hiring, training, and maintaining a positive work environment. In the healthcare field, however, the HR function becomes even more demanding. Healthcare human resource professionals have an added responsibility to handle regulatory compliance, high turnover, and more. This article breaks down the roles of HR in healthcare, the its challenges, … Read more
A chalkboard showing various charts, graphs, and data with words like management, planning, and SMART goals

Employee Retention, Managing Employees

Top Solutions for Common HR Performance Management Problems

Struggling with performance management problems like low productivity or high turnover? This article delves into common performance issues and offers practical strategies for HR professionals to resolve them. We’ll explore how to align goals, enhance feedback, and boost employee engagement for better results. Key Takeaways Identifying Common Performance Management Issues Understanding and addressing common performance … Read more
Team members in a boat signifying a positive onboarding experience

Employee Recruiting, Employee Retention, Managing Employees

Essential Guide to Crafting a Seamless Onboarding Plan for New Employees

Crafting an onboarding plan is essential to ensure new employees quickly become productive, engaged members of your team. If you wish to create an onboarding strategy that streamlines an efficient and welcoming transition for your new hires, you’re in the right place. This article provides practical steps and essential information to construct an onboarding blueprint … Read more
Illustration depicting tools to streamline HR processes

Employee Recruiting, Employee Retention, HR Tools, HR Trends

Top Tools for Human Resources: Streamline Your HR Processes in 2024

Struggling to keep up with HR demands? There are a variety of tools designed to help HR professionals complete their tasks sooner and with more accuracy. Efficient, reliable, and user-friendly, our curated selection of the best HR tools for human resources will address your specific pain points – from talent acquisition to engagement analytics. Expect … Read more
Employees at a meeting who are actively engaged

Employee Retention

20 Innovative Activities to Engage Employees and Boost Morale

Boosting employee engagement is crucial, yet challenging. This article highlights 20 creative and effective employee engagement ideas to engage employees, enhance teamwork, and promote a thriving work environment. Whether you’re in the office or coordinating remotely, these activities can boost morale and create a sense of unity within your entire team. Key Takeaways Benefits of … Read more
National Safety Month


Embrace National Safety Month to Maximize Safety in the Workplace

National Safety Month, celebrated in June each year, spotlights the critical issue of workplace safety, drawing attention to preventive strategies that can avert injuries and save lives. This month is a call to action for creating safer work environments and promoting year-round vigilance. Dive in and learn how you can implement these lifesaving practices at … Read more
Illustration of HR best practices

Best Practices in HR: Strategies for a Thriving Workforce

Learn best practices that are foundational to every HR professional. You’ll find they optimize any business to which they are applied.
Illustration depicting a woman advertising job positions to potential candidates on social media

Employee Recruiting, HR Trends

Master Social Media Recruiting: Strategies for Effective Talent Acquisition

This concise guide dives into tactics for using social platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook to recruit candidates effectively.
An HR manager responsible for hiring employees

HR Trends

Empowering HR: Tips and Strategies for a Thriving Workplace

Immediate, impactful HR tips to empower your human resources team and foster a more effective workforce for your company.
Illustration showing two skyscrapers on top of puzzle pieces joining together, representing a merger

HR Trends, Regulations

Understanding Challenges for Human Resource Management During Mergers

From retaining key talent and integrating company culture to combining policies, HR plays a major role in organization mergers and acquisitions.
white head silouhette surrounded by marijuana leaves

HR Trends, Regulations

Navigating the Maze of Pre Employment Drug Test Policies in 2024

How employers can establish a compliant policy, legal info to be aware of, and best practices to ensure both employer and employee rights are protected.
An illustration of a stressful work environment that doesn't promote employee mental health.

Employee Retention, HR Trends

Promoting Positive Mental Health in the Workplace: Strategies and Benefits

The benefits of promoting mental health in the workplace. Top strategies and initiatives businesses can use to develop a healthy environment.
job advertisement with qualifications highlighted

Employee Recruiting

Top Strategies to Advertise for Jobs & Attract Candidates

Packed with strategies to attract qualified candidates. Craft the job post, select top job boards , form connections on social networking sites, and . . . 
woman on laptop at desk, a symbol for happy admin day

Employee Retention, Labor Relations

Happy Administrative Professionals Day: 4-24-24

Remember your hard-working admins on April 24, 2024. Here are top ways to show your appreciation, from gifts and company events to a sincere thank you card.
safety icons overlaid on image of staff playing safety training game

Employee Retention, HR Trends, Labor Relations

Engaging Safety Games for Workplace Hazard Prevention

Training can be both fun and useful. Workplace safety games are excellent ways to promote safety in the workplace in any hypothetical safety situation.
holiday tree decorated with teal colored bulbs for workplace holiday diversity

Employee Retention, Labor Relations

Embracing All Inclusive Holidays in the Workplace: A Guide to Inclusive Celebrations

Create an inclusive workplace during the holidays. Celebrate diversity without favoring any single tradition. How to value all employees during the holiday season.
woman in chair holding light bulbs representing expanding skill sets

Employee Retention, HR Trends

Expanding Skill Sets: Exploring the Pros and Cons of Job Enlargement

Job enlargement can unlock employee potential and combat workplace boredom. Learn how to make it a success, prevent resistance, and ensure a balanced workload.
hr manager hands embracing valued employees

Employee Recruiting, Employee Retention

Mastering Employee Retention HR: Essential Strategies for Keeping Top Talent

Turn your HR strategy into employee loyalty. Reduce employee turnover and keep valuable employees through your onboarding process, engagement initiatives, . . .
hiring the best talent to fill open job position

Employee Recruiting

Finding the Best Talent Acquisition Strategy for Hiring Success

Effective talent acquisition strategies go beyond finding the best candidates by promoting open positions and a positive employer brand. A positive . . .