Managing Employees

A healthcare HR team member using a computer

Challenges and Strategies for Healthcare Human Resources Management

Human resource professionals typically handle recruiting, hiring, training, and maintaining a positive work environment. In the healthcare field, however, the HR function becomes even more demanding. Healthcare human resource professionals have an added responsibility to handle regulatory compliance, high turnover, and more. This article breaks down the roles of HR in healthcare, the its challenges, … Read more

A chalkboard showing various charts, graphs, and data with words like management, planning, and SMART goals

Top Solutions for Common HR Performance Management Problems

Struggling with performance management problems like low productivity or high turnover? This article delves into common performance issues and offers practical strategies for HR professionals to resolve them. We’ll explore how to align goals, enhance feedback, and boost employee engagement for better results. Key Takeaways Identifying Common Performance Management Issues Understanding and addressing common performance … Read more

Team members in a boat signifying a positive onboarding experience

Essential Guide to Crafting a Seamless Onboarding Plan for New Employees

Crafting an onboarding plan is essential to ensure new employees quickly become productive, engaged members of your team. If you wish to create an onboarding strategy that streamlines an efficient and welcoming transition for your new hires, you’re in the right place. This article provides practical steps and essential information to construct an onboarding blueprint … Read more